Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Dr. James Wilson -- Evil, Hot Doctor

In her blog on the House M.D. Guide Holly Taylor wonders how in the world House decides his squeaky buddy Wilson is having an affair based on Exhibit A – a $12 box of choclolates. People are often on Wilson's side because he's adorable. Frankly, I'd love to be on Wilson's side – his left one right after a nice sweaty session of a particular indoor sport. Because he's adorable. But he's also evil. He's evil in a way that House is not evil. House wears his bad intentions on his sleeve. Wilson wears a mask. He capitalizes on that boyish charm and plays the good guy. All the while, he's ready to pounce. House is fully aware of this and lets Wilson have it at every opportunity. Of course, House lets everyone have it at every opportunity. Everyone except me. :(

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